Chapter 8 Section 1 Guided Reading and Review

Chapter 8 Reply Key

Report Guide

My Notebook

  1. Answers volition vary, just could include main ideas from the summary or i main idea from each Reading (3).
  2. Students will have these words in alphabetic society: depth, features, filigree, identify, satellites, symbols, views. (b) 1 syllable words = depth, grid, views; 2 syllable words = features, symbols; 3 syllable words = place, satellites.
  3. (a) Students volition have drawn a map similar to i in Figure eight.12. (b) At that place are (4) four highways indicated with symbols like the legend.

Guided Reading

8.i Maps

  1. map
  2. graph
  3. grid
  4. symbols

8.2 Topographic Maps

  1. features
  2. satellites
  3. identify

8.3 Bathymetric Maps

  1. bathymetric
  2. topographic
  3. depth

Let'south Review

  1. c
  2. a

Cheque Your Understanding

Reading 8.1

  1. A world is spherical like Earth. Therefore, the size of landforms on a globe are accurate. On a flat surface, like a piece of paper, it is hard to show both size and breadth and longitude. To arrive easier to see latitude and longitude lines, the landforms are expanded at the poles.
  2. Latitude lines are parallel to the equator, run e-west, and mark the north and due south locations on Earth, relative to the equator. Longitude lines run north-south and mark the east and west locations on Globe, relative to the prime pinnacle.
  3. The equator is 0º latitude. Like the equator, the prime meridian marks 0º but for lines of longitude.
  4. The prime number meridian is a line of longitude whereas the equator is a line of latitude.
  5. The international dateline is 180º longitude.
  6. Omaha and Poughkeepsie are near the same line of latitude.
  7. A Mercator projection is a type of map that makes it easy to meet the lines of latitude and longitude. However, landforms, specially most the poles are exaggerated in size.
  8. Answers are:
    1. It is almost 10 kilometers from point A to point B.
    2. Signal B
    3. Point D

Reading 8.two

  1. Answers are:
    1. The elevation of Firm B is 350 meters.
    2. The relief between Business firm A and B is 250 meters.
  2. Elevation is the height of an object to a higher place sea level. Body of water level is the average level of the ocean between high and low tide.
  3. Incorrect. Contour lines are lines on a map that show locations of equal elevation.
  4. You know the land has a steep gradient if the contour lines are very shut together.
  5. A - ii; B - 1; C - 3
  6. 24,000 centimeters = 0.24 kilometers
  7. The scale of 1:500,000 on a map means that 1 unit of distance on the map equals 500,000 units of distance on country.
  8. There are two means to exercise this problem. Both ways and their respective answers are correct:
    (1) 7.5 minutes × 1,852 meters/infinitesimal = 13,890 meters
    (ii) (7 minutes × 1,852 meters/minute) + (xxx seconds × 31 meters/2nd) = 13,894 meters

Reading eight.3

  1. Depth can be shown using profile lines or by color coding.
  2. Scientists send sound waves from a ship. The audio waves get down toward the lake flooring and bounce dorsum to the ship. The time it takes for the waves to bounce back to the ship is used with the speed of audio in water to requite a mensurate of depth. The technique is called echo sounding, echolocation, or sonar.
  3. Answers merit:
    1. The continental shelf
    2. The Caryn Seamount
    3. From 2,000 meters to 4,000 meters
    4. The Due north Atlantic Bounding main (or the Atlantic Ocean)
    5. The eastward coast


  1. Cartography is the process of making maps.
  2. The Geographic Information System (GIS) is a computer system that automates the production of mapmaking. GIS has the ability to measure distances, and calculate the area and borders of features.
  3. GIS is a large collection of people, software, computers, information, and organizations. Information about Earth's surface is added to GIS. CAD is a computer-aided pattern arrangement that uses information from GIS to make illustrations of geographical features.
  4. An advantage of the National Map is that it provides upwardly-to-appointment and accurate information about the U.s..


Answers are:

    1. All lines of latitude are parallel to the rubber band that represents the equator.
    2. Y'all could as well add the other major lines of breadth: Tropic of Cancer, Tropic of Capricorn, Antarctic Circle, and the Arctic Circle. In that location are no other major lines of longitude other than the prime meridian and the international dateline.
    3. Lines of breadth and longitude create a grid system on a map. A grid makes it much easier to locate places on the map. A single point on a map can be identified past referencing lines of breadth and longitude.

Rubric for grading the model of Earth. Circle the points for each item, tape the points at the finish of each row, and full the last column to become the terminal score. The total possible points is 20.

Points earned

The educatee completed the activity.


5 points

Fractional yes

four-3 points


2-0 points

The student followed the directions of the activity carefully.


5 points

Partial yeah

4-3 points


2-0 points

The student worked well with others and/or a partner.


five points

Partial yep

4-iii points

Partial no

2-0 points

Applying noesis questions were answered.


v points

Partial Yes

4-3 points


2-0 points


Chapter 8 Review


Reading 8.1

  1. origin
  2. coordinates
  3. map
  4. globe
  5. equator
  6. breadth
  7. longitude
  8. prime superlative
  9. international dateline
  10. fable

Reading 8.2

  1. superlative
  2. body of water level
  3. relief
  4. topographic map
  5. slope
  6. contour line

Reading 8.3

  1. bathymetric map


Reading eight.1

  1. Answers are: (a)+ (b)- (c)- (d)+ (e)+ (f)- (g)- (h)+
  2. y
  3. Latitude lines represent the distance on a globe map that is north and s of the equator. Longitude lines represent the distance on a world map that is east and west of the prime number meridian.
  4. The equator, 0º latitude, divides Globe into the north and due south hemispheres.
  5. South America
  6. The answer is "b. equator."
  7. south; east
  8. No, a Mercator projection map distorts how landmasses well-nigh the poles appear. For example, Greenland is much larger on a Mercator projection map than on a world.
  9. A fable tells you what the symbols on a map mean. If you didn't have the legend, yous would not sympathize the map or be able to use information technology very well. The map would non be equally useful to you lot.
  10. Reply:

    4 meter bar

Reading 8.two

  1. Answers are: 1-c; ii-a; 3-b
  2. Plane table surveying was used by topographic mapmakers until 1960, simply photogrammetry took over equally the master way to brand maps in virtually 1940. Airplane tabular array surveying relies on a person working at a flat table on a stand up. Photogrammetry relies on people using technology including aerial photography and computers.
  3. Answers are:
    1. The steepest slopes are in the upper right corner where the elevation is 9600 feet.
    2. The lowest peak is at the lake shore, 8,400 feet
    3. The lowest elevation is 8,400 anxiety.
    4. The gentlest slopes are almost the lake and between 8400 and 8800 feet.

Reading 8.3

  1. A topographic map shows the elevation of land whereas a bathymetric map shows the depth of the features on the floor of a body of water. A topographic map is made using applied science like aerial photography whereas a bathymetric map is made using echo sounding (or sonar).
  2. Scientists ship sound waves from a ship. The sound waves go down toward the ocean floor and bounce dorsum to the ship. Using the time it takes for the waves to bounce back and the speed of sound in water, scientists are able to measure the depth to the ocean floor.
  3. The answer is: a. A map of a round lake that is very deep.
  4. Nautical charts provide important information almost depth of a body of water and the locations of things like buoys and lighthouses and dangerous spots. This data is crucial for keeping people safe when they are navigating.

Math and Writing Skills


  1. The new position would exist at 20 centimeters.
  2. Answers: A (–4, 2); B (4, 4); C (–1, –i); D (0, 0); E (3, –3)
  3. Sample answers are:
    1. Mendoza, Argentina
    2. Lat. 32º 53' S; Long. 68º fifty' West
    3. s hemisphere, w hemisphere
    4. I think this place might exist warm since it is in the southern hemisphere. But, it is at the same altitude from the equator equally South Carolina then information technology might have weather condition that is similar to this state. The summers might be hot and the winters might be mild.
    5. Responses will vary.
    6. (i) Two main industries are making wine and olive oil, (2) In the winter, people come up to Mendoza to ski in the Andes, (3) In 1861, an convulsion destroyed the metropolis.
  4. Respond: 111 kilometers/degree × 23.5º × 2 = 5,217 kilometers. The Tropic of Cancer is about 5,217 kilometers from the Tropic of Capricorn.
  5. The reply is: d. 60º W.
  6. Answers are:
    1. 5 centimeters
    2. 8 miles
  7. Answers:
    1. At Lat 0º Long 0º, you are in the ocean.
    2. The international dateline crosses through Asia.
    3. Latitude and longitude for each city.


Latitude and Longitude

To the nearest caste



Lat. N 34º
Long. W 84º

Lat. Due north 33º 44' 56"
Long. W 84º 23' 16"


Lat. North 42º
Long. West 88º

Lat. Northward 42º
Long. Due west 88º

San Francisco

Lat. N 38º
Long. W 122º

Lat. Northward 37º 46' 29"
Long. W 122º 25' 9"


Lat. N 21º
Long. W 158º

Lat. N 21º 18' 24"
Long. W 157º 51' 29"

Sao Paulo

Lat. S 23º
Long. W 47º

Lat. S 23º 31' 59"
Long. W 46º 37' 0"


Lat. Northward 49º
Long. E 2º

Lat. North 48º 52' 0"
Long. E 2º xix' 59"


Lat. N 56º
Long. E 38º

Lat. N 55º 45' vii"
Long. Due east 37º 36' 56"

Cape Town

Lat. S 34º
Long. East 18º

Lat. S 33º 55"
Long. East 18º 25"


Lat. S 34º
Long. E 151º

Lat. Southward 34º 0"
Long. E 151º 0"

Reading 8.two

  1. 250,000 cm = 2.50 km
  2. Each contour line represents forty feet of pinnacle.
  3. Graphic:

    Mountain sketch

  4. Graphic:

    Mountain sketch - steep and gradual slope

Reading 8.3

  1. Sample respond: First, I would place the long pole in the water until it touches the lesser of the lake. The lake water volition moisture the pole. Then, I would remove the pole from the water and mensurate the altitude from the stop of the pole that touched the bottom to the watermark.
  2. Graphic:


Examination Practice

  1. b
  2. c

Affiliate Project

  1. A sample student map from school to home:

    sample map school to home with legend

  2. A sample treasure map:

    Sample treasure map with legend

This rubric may be used to grade the completed maps. Circle the points for each item. Record the points at the finish of each row, and total the last column to become the final score. The maximum amount of points for the each map is 25.

Points earned

The map is easy to read.


5 points

Fractional yes

4 points

Fractional no

3 points

The map has a legend.


5 points

Partial yes

4 points


three points

The map is drawn to scale.


5 points

Partial yes

four points


3 points

The map is fatigued advisedly and creatively.


5 points

Partial yes

4 points


3 points

Other students tin follow the map.


five points

Partial yeah

4 points


3 points



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